Page name: Guild Book of Shadows [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-12-20 15:44:34
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Guild Book of Shadows Index


Heres the deal...Can you all put your Poems ect on the right Wiki page below. Please include your username with your entries and place a line between them. Blessings.

Pagan FAQ
Poems by Pagans
Solitary Witch
Wiccan Rituals
Pagan Chants
Casting Spells
Witches Spell Chart
Witches Calendar
Witchy Crafts
Magical Tools
Craft Name
Self Dedication
Pagan Pictures
Wiccan Lore-Includes the Wiccan Rede
Celtic Lore
Mermorable Quotes

Go or return to:
-The Guild of Pagans
-The Wiccan Room
-The Guild Members

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2003-10-27 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Yay! I'm the first one to put a comment! It's not sad and lonely the first one, love the other poems as well.

2003-10-28 [Nere]: hehe... :P

2003-10-30 [Midoriko]: lol.... interesting.. .we need to get more people to put in poems and stuff.....

2003-11-01 [SAHS]: Hmm, I could put in my morning and nightly rituals... as soon as I have the non-laziness to type them up ^-^

2003-11-09 [Anna-Rebecca]: is it ok to post spells and the like?

2003-11-09 [Nere]: long as they don't offend ...hmmm...okay scratch that, yes as long as people realise that not everything can be solved by spells... hows that? :P

2003-11-10 [Anna-Rebecca]: oky doky (think I will have to stream some of mine)

2003-11-12 [Lady In Black]: Oooh, how bout the Wiccan Rede...?

2003-11-12 [Mordigen]: if your gonna post the rede, try to fin the full one

2003-11-12 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I believe there's one at

2003-11-12 [Lady In Black]: I think I have one. It's about 3 pages long... That would be the full one, right?

2003-11-12 [Fireblade K'Chona]: ...most likley.

2003-11-12 [Mordigen]: yea, think least thats the longest i've seen and anyone i know has ever seen

2003-11-12 [Lady In Black]: Ok well I couldn't find that one I'm not sure if this is the same exact thing or not, it SAYS it's the full version but well u all know how that stuff goes...

2003-11-12 [Lady In Black]: Ok, does that one sound right?

2003-11-12 [Lady In Black]: Nevermind I found the other one let me fix it...

2003-11-12 [Mordigen]: yea, thats the same one i have--well it says the same thing, only mines in olde english wrather than plain english

2003-11-12 [Lady In Black]: Yeah, mine is too... but is also missing a few paragraphs, so some of its in olde english and some of its not... still working on it ^-^

2003-11-13 [Juraviel]: Hopefully this is an ok poem. 

2003-11-13 [Midoriko]: hey [Juraviel] i love the four elements poem... it's so soothing *^_^*

2003-11-13 [Juraviel]: Thank you [Midoriko].

2003-11-22 [Kit Azhure]: hai

2003-12-01 [Cati Stormweaver]: i made a prayer to the moon goddess * rolls eyes*

2003-12-02 [Midoriko]: hey did anyone find the full wiccan rede?? if not i have it and can put it up tomorrow if you guys want it.

2003-12-02 [Mordigen]: yea, it's posted, it's the incredibly loooooong one, lol, right after my poem and right before juraviel's

2003-12-02 [Midoriko]: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh... there it is... okay lol... yeah, it's incredibly long, lol...

2003-12-03 [Lady In Black]: Posted by me! Hehe. ^-^

2003-12-03 [Midoriko]: YAY!! **huggles [Lady In Black]** good job, lol o.O

2003-12-03 [Lady In Black]: Hehe. *huggles* ^-^

2003-12-03 [Juraviel]: Another pathetic addition by me.

2003-12-03 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Love it! It's not pathetic!

2003-12-04 [Juraviel]: thanks. But I dont think it flows.

2003-12-04 [Fireblade K'Chona]: It doesn't have to flow, seems to be a walking song, to me. You know, accentuating particular syllables and so forth, as if you were walking...

2003-12-04 [Juraviel]: i kinda see what you mean, but now that I wrote it and read it in another context, it sounds more like an incantation than a poem.

2003-12-04 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Well, there you go. It's purtyful...maybe you should use it to randomly honor the Goddess when you're feeling thankful. Do a Thanksgiving-type ritual...I'm sure She'd appreciate it.

2003-12-04 [Juraviel]: :::grins::: She might like it.

2003-12-04 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I think She would.

2003-12-04 [Juraviel]: Thank you

2003-12-04 [Fireblade K'Chona]: No, thank Her.

2003-12-04 [Juraviel]: good point. She granted me to write like that.

2003-12-04 [Fireblade K'Chona]: she granted me my little gift of poetry...soon as I write something, I'll stick it up here.

2003-12-04 [Juraviel]: me to. I like letting other people read my poems. Instead of having to go to my house to read them.

2003-12-04 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Yup.

2003-12-07 [Linn Scarlett]: hm my precioussss *smiles*

2003-12-07 [Lady In Black]: Nice work, Linn.

2003-12-07 [Juraviel]: Well done Scarlett.

2003-12-11 [Linn Scarlett]: thanks :)

2003-12-18 [KMR #1]: I posted here! *plays happy tune*

2003-12-19 [Nere]: thats cool Juraviel...i likes it......

2003-12-19 [Linn Scarlett]: donno whos it is, but its a hell of a poem! i LOVE it!

2003-12-19 [Juraviel]: Cool. Thank you.

2003-12-20 [Juraviel]: I like your's Linn. It flows really well.

2003-12-20 [Linn Scarlett]: thank you *looks cunfuzzled* i dont know what is wrong with me, but ever since my last bf turned into my last ex, i am like, constantly writing poems about haldir O.o

2003-12-20 [Juraviel]: Hmmm. Interesting. Just a thought, but maybe your ex was the equivalent to your version of Haldir, and with his going it is comparable to Haldir's death.

2003-12-21 [Linn Scarlett]: could go for the blue eyes, blond hair and elvish features, yes...well sort of *thinks* hmz yeah maybe

2003-12-21 [Juraviel]: Yeah. That sounds like that is what you are doing. You are imortalizing the breaking up of you and your bf by talking about the passing of Haldir.

2003-12-22 [Linn Scarlett]: is that bad? *looks cunfuzzled* hey i feel like a medieval bard O.o

2003-12-22 [Juraviel]: Well. It is not really bad. It just helps you in channeling your emotions instead of burying them like I do. But either way is not bad. I will just probably die before you do cause I repress my emotions to much.

2003-12-22 [Linn Scarlett]: whatever, do i care? :p

2003-12-22 [Juraviel]: Probably not. I don't really care either. It's just my random ramblings.

2003-12-22 [Linn Scarlett]: oke than :D

2003-12-29 [Nere]: thinking of revamping the BOS.....hmmmm...its a little long...

2003-12-31 [Nere]: Okay...its done...hope thats cool with everyone...:P

2003-12-31 [Linn Scarlett]: yeah i think it will be easier -also the page wont get that long O.o-

2003-12-31 [Nere]: yeah...thats what I thought :P

2004-01-01 [Linn Scarlett]: good thought it was :)

2004-01-10 [Nere]: I moved everyones stuff for if its in the wrong spot then you'll have to move it!!

2004-01-10 [Linn Scarlett]: *yawns* thanks nere, iam the lazy kind of LotR-fan, move it wherever you think its best :p

2004-01-11 [Fireblade K'Chona]: You know, Haldir never actually died. The Elves never actually went to Helms Deep...I'm a bookie, can you tell?

2004-01-12 [Linn Scarlett]: yes i can tell, i know, el and el and a bunch of hot dunedain were supposed to come with legs and gorn n gimli in RotK....did you see them? did i see them? i think not  ---though me and friends are trying to find out if the blondy behind legs is actually glorfindell and the two kiddos behind elrond actually his sons---

2004-01-21 [Lewis of Llynn]: what category should I post god/dess chants here?

2004-01-22 [Nere]: rituals i guess....i suppose i could make another wiki......actually i might do that...

2004-01-22 [Nere]: there ya.....Pagan Chants

2004-01-22 [Lewis of Llynn]: yay, thank you!!!!

2004-01-22 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I think that they are his sons! And the blonde might be Thanduril. Legolas's father.

2004-01-23 [Nere]: Comments Page - for all random conversations!!

2004-01-23 [Linn Scarlett]: thanny has brown hair, as has his son -yes iam a book-fanatic, like the movies too though-  the blondy looks way younger....O.o

2004-02-16 [Chaos Sun]: Seems that the one thing forgotten was the Wiccan Reed, I put a link to the Wiki i created for it. For those of you interested in curses...I suggest you reed the last 2 lines.

2004-02-16 [Linn Scarlett]: sides, the blondy behind legsy was also at the council sitting next to him, *scratches head* so it couldnt possibly be tranduil, and they whould have made him look at least a little like legsyboy, i mean, hal and brothers looked alike and so dit fara,bory and denethor

2004-02-16 [Linn Scarlett]: and its Thranduil, pronounced Tran-doe-iel

2004-02-16 [Nere]: Can you guys take your LotRs discussion the comments page.....thanks

2004-02-17 [Linn Scarlett]: sorry, *scratshes ears*

2004-02-18 [Nere]: thats cool...I just rather keep the comments BOS related ... :)

2004-02-18 [Linn Scarlett]: ok *plays with the tip of her left ear*

2004-02-22 [Our Lady of Sorrow]: soooo tired.... sry random coment

2004-03-06 [Lady In Black]: (AKA Rawien) Like the new setup... Man, I missed so much while I was gone!

2004-03-07 [Nere]: glad that your back :)

2004-03-07 [Lady In Black]: Me too! ^_^

2004-03-11 [Cati Stormweaver]: where does Lilac grow, and what does it look like?

2004-03-13 [Linn Scarlett]: *writes a poem* he folksies how ist thee?

2004-03-29 [torm]: hello

2004-03-29 [Nere]: yo, what up with thee?

2004-03-30 [Peaches]: You don't know what lilac look like? o.O it grows on trees and is purplish/whitish and smells absolutely wonderful..

2004-03-30 [Linn Scarlett]: it smells sickingly sweet, thank you *resumes poem*

2004-03-31 [gncb]: i really like this place

2004-04-01 [Nere]: glad to hear it :)

2004-04-01 [Our Lady of Sorrow]: yes so do i... :)

2004-04-02 [Peaches]: i guess it varies on your opinion what is smells like, thank you.

2004-04-20 [Chas Halliwell]: me friends this is a great page... im new so hi

2004-04-21 [Nere]: hey.... Wiccan, Pagan or Other? .... 0.o" you, i mean.... :P

2004-04-21 [Linn Scarlett]: jup

2004-04-22 [Chas Halliwell]: dunno yet

2004-04-22 [Chas Halliwell]: dunno yet... wiccan most likely

2004-04-22 [Linn Scarlett]: ok

2004-04-23 [sezmo lex]: what you all doing on april 30th?

2004-04-23 [Nere]: SAMHAIN!!!!! Having a roast dinner, lighting candles carving turnips and lots of other things..... you?

2004-04-23 [sezmo lex]: no BELTANE!!! samhain is like the 31 of octuber!

2004-04-23 [Nere]: .........dear... i'm an Aussie.... its almost winter down here..... so it samhain :P lol!

2004-04-23 [sezmo lex]: oh i see! well that makes it diffrent! i dont know what i am doing yet?any ideas!

2004-04-23 [Nere]: erm.... nup... but food is always good :P i could give you a couple of links that have some ideas though....

2004-04-23 [sezmo lex]: ok! its just the first time my son will be old enoght to know whats going on if you know what i mean?

2004-04-23 [Nere]: yeah..... erm try this ( ... have a good and safe sabbat..

2004-04-23 [sezmo lex]: thanks!

2004-05-30 [spongemonkey]: [Nere], I think I love you.

2004-05-30 [spongemonkey]: is any one going to be doing something for mid summers?

2004-05-30 [Nere]: ..... 0.o"? erm....kay....

2004-05-30 [spongemonkey]: ^^; srry I'm just really happy about finding this wiki and kinda hopped up on sugar. give me a few minutes.,..

2004-05-30 [Nere]:! s'okay... feel free to add to any of the pages....

2004-05-30 [spongemonkey]: I think I might add sum art.....

2004-05-30 [sezmo lex]: i may do to?

2004-05-30 [spongemonkey]: what?

2004-05-31 [Nere]: yes.... as long as the material is relevent to the topic ... and isn't offensive... any member of the guild can add to these pages...However, if the stuff you add isn't relevant, coherent, ect... then it will be removed.

2004-05-31 [Linn Scarlett]: what?

2004-05-31 [spongemonkey]: okay!!

2004-06-01 [Nere]: what what?

2004-06-01 [spongemonkey]: huh?!?!?

2004-06-01 [Our Lady of Sorrow]: *bites*

2004-06-01 [spongemonkey]: ah! *pokes*

2004-06-01 [sezmo lex]: wig a wig

2004-06-01 [spongemonkey]: meep.

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